Leading scientists from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and the People's Republic of China took part in the conference.
One of the unique pieces of evidence that allows us to judge the appearance of fossil animals of the late Pleistocene are their rock paintings left on the walls of caves by Paleolithic artists.
An international team of authors with the participation of B.A. Levin, an employee of the IEE RAS, and G.K. Khasengazieva, his postgraduate student, studied the current state of rainbow trout populations in Kazakhstan.
On November 21, a practical lesson was held at the IEE RAS as part of the Competition for schoolchildren of specialized classes, under the guidance of Anna Neretina, PhD in Biology, research fellow at the IEE RAS.
The researchers from the IEE RAS have been the first to verify an ecological (gradient) speciation model for three shrew species interchanging in adjacent altitudinal zones of the Bale Mountains.
90 years ago, on October 5, 1934, at a meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Laboratory of Evolutionary Morphology at the USSR Academy of Sciences was transformed into the Institute of Animal Evolution.
In the Moscow Region, scientists have discovered a new pest of a dangerous invasive plant – Heracleum sosnowskyi, which has spread widely across Russia.
Representatives of more than 20 scientific organizations of the Caspian states - Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran, as well as the United Kingdom, noted the high relevance of the conference.
The study revealed the relative resistance of yellow lemmings to inbreeding depression in conditions where the artificial population is formed from only 7 animals.
Beavers are called ecosystem engineers because they rebuild aquatic ecosystems and have a significant impact on many aquatic and near-aquatic organisms.
The Caspian seal is endemic to the Caspian Sea. Over the past century, the seal population has significantly decreased, and the species is currently listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
The round table "Decarbonization Technologies" was held at the "Boiling Point - Ufa" of the Interuniversity Campus of the Eurasian World-Class Scientific and Educational Center.
Blood-sucking flies of the Hippoboscidae family are distributed throughout the world. This family of parasites of birds and mammals currently includes more than 200 species.
In a new article employees of the IEE RAS, together with colleagues from Yakutia, Israel, and Belgium, conducted a large-scale study of body proportions in large herbivorous mammals.
Despite the growing interest in Arctic biota in recent decades, there are many gaps in our knowledge of the composition and distribution of species, including the Arctic ichthyofauna.
Biologists have found that two species of crustaceans called water fleas — Daphnia atkinsoni and Daphnia triquetra — independently acquired a crown-of-thorns-like structure on their heads during the course of evolution.
During the depression in the rodent population, colonies of Mongolian gerbils look lifeless, and their alarm cries cannot be heard by humans, since they are emitted in the ultrasonic range.
April 28-29, 2021 in the conference hall of the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, it is planned to hold the Conference with international participation "Environmental problems, biological resources and fisheries in the Volga-Caspian basin". Conference formats: face-to-face and online.
Conference organizers: Caspian Science and Innovation Council, IEE RAS, Russian Committee for the UNESCO «Man and the Biosphere» Program of the United Nations, VNIRO.
Venue of the meeting and online broadcast of the Conference: Moscow, Leninskiy prospect, 33, IEE RAS, 1st floor, conference hall.
Co-organizers of the round table "International cooperation in the development of ecological tourism and education: proposals and exchange of experience" (to be held within the framework of the Conference): Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism in conjunction with the Department of Physical Geography of the World and Geoecology of the Faculty of Geography of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Online broadcast of the round table - M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The conference will be devoted to topical issues of research and monitoring activities in the field of ecology and fisheries, conservation and sustainable development of the ecosystem during the operation of inland waterways, hydraulic structures, the development of shipping and fishing in the Volga-Caspian basin.
The third lecture in the IUBS Webinar Series will be delivered by Dr Jane Goodall, DBE. An ethologist and environmentalist, with ongoing research spanning more than six decades, Dr Goodall is a pioneer in studying the behavior, social organization, and cognitive abilities of chimpanzees. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace.
In this webinar, Dr. Jane Goodall will talk about the research that she began more than 60 years ago, which is ongoing today into the lives of the wild chimpanzees in Tanzania’s Gombe National Park. Her pioneering work has changed the way we look at wildlife and conservation activities across the world. The TACARE programme has empowered the communities living around Gombe to become JGI’s partners in conservation and is being replicated in other African countries. Dr Goodall will speak about her early work, how it changed the way we think about both chimpanzees and ourselves and about the many programmes established by the Jane Goodall Institute that are working to sustain both wildlife and human communities.
April 27th | 11:30 (Moscow time)
Esteemed colleagues!
The Yamal-Nenets Department for External Relations is pleased to invite you to take part in the "Siberian Crane (White Crane) - a Symbol of Hope for Biodiversity Conservation in the 21st Century" symposium that will take place in Salekhard (Yamal-Nenets autonomous okrug, Russia) on March 31 - April 1, 2021.
The main goal of the symposium is to discuss the research results and conservation of Siberian Crane populations and to develop long-term measures for the preservation and restoration of the Siberian Crane within its geographic range - on nesting sites, wintering grounds and migration routes. Along with the symposium there will also be a photo exhibition demonstrating the beauty, diversity and richness of the world of birds inhabiting the vast areas of Siberia and China.
The main topics of the symposium:
1. The population and distribution of the Siberian Crane.
2. Biology and behavior of the Siberian Crane.
3. Threats to Siberian Crane population and their mitigation.
4. Captive breeding and reintroduction of Siberian Crane.
5. Genetic structure of Siberian Crane populations.
6. The role of the Siberian Crane in the ethnography and culture of the peoples of Eurasia.
7. New methods of studying and preserving cranes and other rare bird species.
8. Strategic bases for the conservation of the Siberian Crane and other rare bird species:
- state (national) strategies for the conservation of the Siberian Crane;
- Russian Federal project "Conservation of biological diversity and development of ecological tourism";
- regional programs for the Siberian Crane preservation;
Everything in nature is regulated - from the numbers of vital molecules in our bloodstream to the number of lions in an African savanna. Over the past fifty years, two revolutions have unfolded in biology in understanding the regulation of life at these two scales.
In this lecture, Dr. Carroll will discuss the discovery of the "The Serengeti Rules," the ecological rules that regulate the numbers and kinds of animals and plants in any given place, and how they are being applied to restore some of the greatest wildernesses on the planet.
The International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) was established in 1919 as a non- governmental and non-profit organization comprising of National Academies and international scientific Associations and Societies. Since then IUBS is functioning as a global platform of scientists from all disciplines and nationalities for cooperation, interaction and collaboration to promote research, training, and education in biological sciences.
To commemorate completion of 100 years of promoting excellence in biological sciences, IUBS has launched a Webinar Series bringing the best of all disciplines to discuss evolution, taxonomy, ecology, biodiversity, and other topics that represent unified biology and the topics of prime importance to address contemporary problems such as climate change, endangered species, food and nutrition, health etc.
The first lecture of the webinar series was delivered by Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize Laureate on “Forgetting How to Tend the Soil” on 2nd October 2020.
Available for download now is the monography of S.V.Naydenko «Reproductive biology of cats: mechanisms of increasing reproductive success».
The book examines the features of feline reproductive biology, affecting behavior associated with finding a mating partner, changes in marking and acoustic activity during this period, changes in the hormonal status of animals associated with reproduction, as well as the specific mechanism of functioning of the corpus luteum in the genus lynx. The work examines the mechanisms of increasing reproductive success in a promiscuous mating system (an increase in the intensity of ovulation, embryonic mortality, sperm competition), as well as factors affecting postembryonic mortality in feline litters.
Intended for biologists, zoologists and students of biological studies.
The monograph can be downloaded from this LINK
Sixth International Symposium, "Invasion of Alien Species in Holarctic. Borok-VI" , to be held on October 11-15, 2021 (depending on the number of participants the Symposium will be held either in Borok place, on the base of Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia or in Uglich city, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia)
International Symposium "INVASION OF ALIEN SPECIES IN HOLARCTIC: BOROK" was first organized 20 years ago and has become regular. In these years, the global problem of biological invasions of alien species is remaining topical for humankind.
The main goals of the Sixth Symposium are:
• Consolidation of efforts to study the processes of spread of alien plant and animal species in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems;
• Exchange of information on the vectors, causes, scales, and regularities of species spread; changes in their properties in new aquatic and terrestrial habitats;
• Assessment of the role of the alien species in the transformation of endemic communities; evaluation of social and economic consequences of biological invasions as well as development of risk assessment approaches;
• Discussion on the issues related to terminology, theory of species spread and study methods.
Themes of presentations include the following topics:
• Spatial and temporal dynamics of biological invasions in the Holarctic:
1) invasions in marine ecosystems;
2) invasions in freshwater ecosystems;
3) invasions in terrestrial ecosystems;
4) paleoinvasions.
• Genetic and evolutionary aspects of biological invasions.