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Антоневич Анастасия Львовна

Кандидат биологических наук
Научные интересы
онтогенез поведения игровое поведение агрессия кошачьи репродуктивные и жизненные тратегии
РИНЦ 158141
ResearcherID B-6378-2013
Scopus Author ID 22233834200
Ранняя внутривыводковая агрессия евразийской рыси (Lynx lynx)
Antonevich, A. L., Naidenko S.V., 2023. Lynx’s strictly seasonal breeding complex makes its reproduction different from other felids.// Russian Journal of Theriology. V. 22. № 2. P.162-171. doi: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.22.2.09

Antonevich A.L., Rödel H.G., Hudson R., Alekseeva G.S., Erofeeva M.N., Naidenko S.V., 2020. Predictors of individual differences in play behavior in Eurasian lynx cubs //Journal of Zoology, Volume 311, Issue 1: 56-65. doi:10.1111/jzo.12761

Antonevich A.L., Alekseeva G.S., Vasilieva N.A., Pavlova E.V., Loshchagina J.A., Duplyakina S.Yu., Naidenko S.V. 2019. Social play changes reflect differences in biology and development of three felids //Russian J. Theriol. Vol. 18 No. 2 P. 80–90. doi: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.18.2.02

Barashkova A, Smelansky I., Kirilyuk V., Naidenko S., Antonevich A., Gritsina M., Zhumabai Uulu K., Koshkin M., Otgonbayar N. Battogtokh B., Grachev A. and Lissovsky A., 2019. Distribution and status of the manul in Central Asia and adjacent areas // CATnews Special Issue 13 Spring 2019, pp.14-23

Barclay D., Smelansky I., Nygren E. and Antonevich A., 2019. Legal status, utilisation, management and conservation of manul // CATnews Special Issue 13 Spring 2019, pp. 37-40

Ross S., Moqanaki E. M., Barashkova A., Dhendup T., Smelansky I., Naidenko S., Antonevich A. and Samelius G., 2019. Past, present and future threats and conservation needs of Pallas's cats // CATnews Special Issue 13 Spring 2019, pp. 46-51