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Землемерова Елена Дмитриевна

Кандидат биологических наук
Научные интересы
молекулярная филогенетика филогеография биоразнообразие видообразование теория эволюции микроэволюция гибридизация интрогрессия адаптация систематика экология млекопитающие
РИНЦ 991853
ResearcherID K-2400-2016
Scopus Author ID 55834484400
Молекулярная филогения и филогеография кротов трибы Talpini (Mammalia: Talpidae)
- New data on molecular phylogeny of the East Asian moles / Zemlemerova, E. D., Bannikova, A. A., Abramov, A. V., Lebedev, V. S., & Rozhnov, V. V. // Doklady Biological Sciences. — 2013. — Т. 451. — P. 257-260.
- Tracing the evolutionary history of the mole, Talpa europaea, through mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and species distribution modelling / R. Feuda, A.A. Bannikova, E.D. Zemlemerova, M. Di Febbraro, A. Loy, R. Hutterer, G. Aloise, A.E. Zykov, F. Annesi, P. Colangelo // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. — 2015. — V. 114. — № 3. — P. 495-512.
- An underground burst of diversity — a new look at the phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Talpa Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Talpidae) as revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial genes / A.A. Bannikova, E.D. Zemlemerova, P. Colangelo, M. Sözen, M. Sevindik, A.A. Kidov, R.I. Dzuev, B. Kryštufek, V.S. Lebedev // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. — 2015. — V. 175. — P. 930-948.
- Phylogenetic position of the Gansu mole Scapanulus oweni Thomas, 1912 and the relationships between strictly fossorial tribes of the family Talpidae / Bannikova, A. A., Zemlemerova, E. D., Lebedev, V. S., Aleksandrov, D. Y., Fang, Y., & Sheftel, B. I. // Doklady Biological Sciences. — 2015. — Т. 464. — P. 230-234.
- Secrets of the underground Vietnam: an underestimated species diversity of asian moles (Lipotyphla: Talpidae: Euroscaptor) / E.D. Zemlemerova, A.A. Bannikova, V.S. Lebedev, V.V. Rozhnov, A.V. Abramov / Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS. – 2016 - V. 320. - №. 2. - Р. 193–220,
- Influence of Evolutionary Allometry on Rates of Morphological Evolution and Disparity in strictly Subterranean Moles (Talpinae, Talpidae, Lipotyphla,Mammalia) / G. Sansalone, P. Colangelo, T. Kotsakis, A. Loy, R. Castiglia, A. A. Bannikova, E.D.Zemlemerova, P. Piras / Journal of Mammalian Evolution. – 2018. – V. 25. – №. 1. – P. 1-14
- Hidden diversity in the Caucasian mountains: an example of birch mice (Rodentia, Sminthidae, Sicista) / Rusin, M., Lebedev, V., Matrosova, V., Zemlemerova, E., Lopatina, N., & Bannikova, A // Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy. – 2018. - V. 29. – №. 1. – P. 61-66.
- Genetic and morphologic diversity of the moles (Talpomorpha, Talpidae, Mogera) from the continental Far East / E. Zemlemerova, A.V. Abramov, A.P. Kryukov, V.S. Lebedev, M.-S. Min, S.-J. Lee, A.A. Bannikova // Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. — 2019. — V. 57. — P. 662-678.
- Phylogeny and evolutionary history of birch mice Sicista Griffith, 1827 (Sminthidae, Rodentia): Implications from a multigene study / V.S. Lebedev, M.Y. Rusin, E.D. Zemlemerova, V.A. Matrosova, A.A. Bannikova, Y.M. Kovalskaya, A.S. Tesakov // Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. — 2019. — V. 57. — P. 695-709.
- Preliminary data on phylogeography of the naked mole-rat Heterocephalus glaber (Rodentia: Heterocephalidae) / Zemlemerova, E. D., Kostin, D. S., Gromov, A. R., Martynov, A. A., Alexsandrov, D. Y., & Lavrenchenko, L. A. // Russian Journal of Genetics. – 2020. – V. 56. – P. 370-374.
- Chromosomal Monomorphism in the Naked Mole-Rat Heterocephalus glaber (Rodentia: Heterocephalidae) / Zemlemerova E. D., Kostin D. S., Lavrenchenko L. A. // Russian Journal of Genetics. – 2020. – V. 56. – №. 8. – P. 992-995.
- Genetic diversity of the naked mole‐rat (Heterocephalus glaber) / Zemlemerova E. D., Kostin D. S., Lebedev V. S., Martynov A. A., Gromov A. R., Alexandrov D. Y., & Lavrenchenko L. A. // Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. – 2021. – V. 59. – №. 1. – P. 323-340.
- The phylogenetic relationships within the Eastern Afromontane clade of Crocidura based on mitochondrial and nuclear data | Bannikova, A. A., Zemlemerova, E. D., Lebedev, V. S., & Lavrenchenko, L. A. // Mammalian Biology. – 2021.
- Molecular systematics of the Sicista tianschanica species complex: a contribution from historical DNA analysis / Lebedev, V. S., Kovalskaya, Y., Solovyeva, E. N., Zemlemerova, E. D., Bannikova, A. A., Rusin, M. Y., & Matrosova, V. A. // PeerJ. - 2021. - V. 9. - P. e10759
- Buffenstein, R., Amoroso, V., Andziak, B., Avdieiev, S., Azpurua, J., Barker, A.J., Bennett, N.C., Brieño-Enríquez, M.A., Bronner, G.N., Coen, C., Delaney, M.A., Dengler-Crish, C.M., Edrey, Y.H., Faulkes, C.G., Frankel, D., Friedlander, G., Gibney, P.A., Gorbunova, V., Hine, C., Holmes, M.M., Jarvis, J.U.M., Kawamura, Y., Kutsukake, N., Kenyon, C., Khaled, W.T., Kikusui, T., Kissil, J., Lagestee, S., Larson, J., Lauer, A., Lavrenchenko, L.A., Lee, A., Levitt, J.B., Lewin, G.R., Lewis Hardell, K.N., Lin, T.D., Mason, M.J., McCloskey, D., McMahon, M., Miura, K., Mogi, K., Narayan, V., O'Connor, T.P., Okanoya, K., O'Riain, M.J., Park, T.J., Place, N.J., Podshivalova, K., Pamenter, M.E., Pyott, S.J., Reznick, J., Ruby, J.G., Salmon, A.B., Santos-Sacchi, J., Sarko, D.K., Seluanov, A., Shepard, A., Smith, M., Storey, K.B., Tian, X., Vice, E.N., Viltard, M., Watarai, A., Wywial, E., Yamakawa, M., Zemlemerova, E.D., Zions, M. and Smith, E.S.J. (2022), The naked truth: a comprehensive clarification and classification of current ‘myths’ in naked mole-rat biology. Biological Reviews,97 (1), p. 115-140
- Kostin, D. S., Martynov, A. A., Lebedev, V. S., Zemlemerova, E. D., Gromov, A. R., & Lavrenchenko, L. A. (2022). Position of the ammodile and the origin of Gerbillinae (Rodentia): Out of the Horn of Africa?. Zoologica Scripta, 51(5), 522-532
- Martynov A.A., Zemlemerova E.D., Kostin D.S., Komarova V.A., Gromov A.R., Yihune M., Tsegaye A., Alexandrov D.Y., Bekele A., Bryja J., Lavrenchenko L.A., 2023. Uncovering the diversity of rodents and shrews in the Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia // Mammalia. V. 87. №. 5. P. 451-463

Проекты и гранты
№18-74-00114, РНФ: Анализ структуры генетического разнообразия голого землекопа Heterocephalus glaber
№23-74-01098: РНФ: Микроэволюционные процессы и генетические механизмы адаптаций белозубок рода Crocidura Восточной Африки на выраженном градиенте природных условий.
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