1. Kotenkova, E., Romachenko, A., Ambaryan, A., Maltsev, A. Effect of early experience on neuronal and behavioral responses to con-and heterospecific odors in closely related Mus taxa: Epigenetic contribution in formation of precopulatory isolation. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2019. 19:55-72.
2. Kovalzon V.M., Moiseenko L.S., Ambaryan A.V., Kurtenbach S., Shestopalov V.I., Panchin Y.V. (2017) Sleep-wakefulness cycle and behavior in pannexin1 knockout mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 318: 24–27.
3. Kotenkova E.V., Ambaryan A.V., Maltsev A.N. The Effect of Reciprocal Cross-Fostering of Pups in Two Species of Mice Mus musculus and Mus spicilegus: An Altered Response to Con- and Heterospecific Odors. Biology Bulletin. 2018. 45(2):196-202
4. Kotenkova E.V., Maltsev A.N. Ambaryan A.V. The Influence of Early Olfactory Experience on Mate Choice in Mammals: Evolutionary Aspects. Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2018. 8(1):32-47.
5. Marsova M., Poluektova E., Odorskaya M., Ambaryan A., Revishchin A. Pavlova G., Danilenko V. Protective effects of Lactobacillus fermentum U-21 against paraquat-induced oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans and mouse models. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2020. 36(7):104.
6. Ambaryan A.V., Voznessenskaya V.V., Kotenkova E.V. Mating behavior differences in monogamous and polygamous sympatric closely related species Mus musculus and Mus spicilegus and their role in behavioral precopulatory isolation. Russian Journal of Theriology. 2019. 18(2):1–13
Ambaryan A.V., Kovalzon V.M., Ushakova N.A. The aqueous extract of Ulomoides dermestoides larvae counteract motor and cognitive disfunction in a neurotoxic model of Parkinson's disease // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2023. -V. 53. -P. 752–762. DOI: 10.1007/s11055-023-01463-z/
Ushakova N. A., Tikhonova O.V., Ambaryan A.V., Bastrakov A.I., Dontsov A.E. Protein Antioxidant Complex of a Water Extract of the Larvae of Black Beetles Ulomoides dermestoides // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2022. -V. 58. - Suppl. 1. -P. S147–S152. DOI: 10.1134/S0003683822100155
Котенкова Е.В., Кузнецова Е. В., Мальцев А. Н., Амбарян А. В. Ранний постнатальный опыт модифицирует активацию гипофизарно-семенникового комплекса у самцов домовых мышей (Mus musculus) при экспозиции к запаху рецептивных кон- и гетероспецифичных самок // Доклады Российской академии наук. Науки о жизни. 2023, том 511, с. 381–386. DOI: 10.31857/S2686738923700294