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Спиридонов Сергей Эдуардович

Научные интересы
паразитические нематоды, паразиты беспозвоночных, морфологические и молекулярные методы в систематике, филогения нематод, эволюция паразитизма
РИНЦ 86997
ResearcherID A-5383-2016
Scopus Author ID 7003774894
Нематоды беспозвоночных : Строение, образ жизни, эволюция
1.Spiridonov S.E. Angiostoma asamati sp. n. (Angiostomatidae, Rhabditida) – new species of nematodes from slugs (Mollusca)
Helminthologia, 1985, vol. 22., N 5, P. 253-261
2.Spiridonov S.E. New species of Rhigonematida (Nematoda) from the Cuban spirobolid Rhinocricus sp. (Diplopoda)
Folia parasitologica, 1989, vol.36, N 1, P.71-82
3. Morand, S., Spiridonov S.E. Redescription de trois especes d’Angiostomatidae (Nematoda, Rhabditidae) parasite de Gasteropode pulmonate Stylommatophore et description du cycle evolutif de deux d’entrez elles.
Bull. Mus. Nat. d’Hist. naturelle. 4e serie, 1989, vol.11, N 2, P. 367-387
4. Pham Van Luc, Spiridonov S.E. Experimental evidence of arrhenotoky in the nematode Blatticola blattae (Oxyurida, Thelastomatidae)
Helminthologia, 1990, Vol. 27, N 1, P. 67-70
5. De Carvalho P.A.F. , Spiridonov S.E. Paracameronia caucasica gen. et sp. nov. (Oxyurida, Thelastomatidae) intestinal nematode of mole cricket from Azerbaijan
Nematologia Mediterranea, 1991, vol. 19, N 1, P. 47-49
6. Spiridonov S.E. Vital staining of invasive larvae of Steinernematidae (Nematoda, Rhabditida)
Angewandte Parasitologie, 1991, Bd. 32, H 1, P. 55-56
7. Spiridonov S.E. Mbanema nigeriense n. gen. n. sp. (Drilonematidae: Nematoda) from Eudrilus eugeniae (Eudrilidae: Oligochaeta)
Fundamental and Applied Nematol., 1992, vol. 15, N 5, P. 443-447
8. Spiridonov S.E. Nematodes of the family Ungellidae Chitwood, 1950 from Laotian earthworms
Russian J. Nematol., 1994, vo1. 1, N 1, p. 31-40.
9. Spiridonov S.E. Pham Van Luc Cephalobium montanum sp. n. (Rhabditida, Cephalobiidae) from the hind gut of the cricket Teleogryllus derelictus Gorochov collected in Viet Nam.
Russian J. Nematol., 1994, vol. 2, N 155-60
10. Spiridonov S.E. Four new species and new subspecies of the genus Homungella Timm, 1966 (Rhabditida: Drilonematoidea) from Laos and Viet Nam.
Russian J. Nematol., 1994, vol. 2, N 1, P. 1-14
11. G.W. Yeates, Spiridonov S.E. New nematodes of the family Drilonematidae, Ungellidae and Mesidionematidae from New Zealand megascolecid earthworms
New Zealand J. Zool. 1996, v. 23, P. 381-399
12. Artykhovsky A.K., Kozodoi E.M., Reid A.P., Spiridonov S.E. Redescription of Steinernema arenarium (Artykhovsky, 1967) topotypes from Central Russia and a proposal for S. anomalae) Kozodoi, 1984) as a junior synonym.
Russian J. Nematol., 1997, vol 5, N 1, P. 31-37
13. Spiridonov S.E. Tetleyus gekelmani sp. n. (Nematoda, Oxyurida, Thelastomatidae) from hind gut of scarabaeid larvae
Vestnik Zoologii, 1997, vol. 31, N 1-2, P.77-79
14. E.S. Ivanova, Spiridonov S.E. Filiponema baviense sp. n. (Rhabditida, Drilonematoidea) a parasite of megascolecid earthworms from the Ba Vi National Park
Russian J. Nematol. 1997, vol 5, N 2, P. 127-130
15. Yeates G.W., Blakemore R., Spiridonov S.E. Plesioungella kathleenae gen. et sp. n. (Nematoda, Drilonematidae) from the Australian earthworm Fletcherodrilus unicus (Fletcher, 1889)
New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 1998, vol. 25, P. 205-212
16. Spiridonov S.E. Yushin V.V.Ultrastructure of the stoma of Heth mauriesi Adamson, 1982 (Rhigonematida, Hethidae)
Nematology, 2000, vol. 2, N 4, P. 417-424
17. Spiridonov S.E. Parasitic organisms from tropical earthworms deposited in the Royal Museum of Central Africa.
Annls. Musee Royal Afrique Centrale (Zool.) 2001,vol. 285, P. 19-27
18. D.J. Hunt, Spiridonov S.E. A new genus of Carnoyidae (Nematoda; Rhigonematida) with description of Cattiena trachelomegali gen. n. sp. n. and C. trigoniuli gen. n. sp. n., parasites of spirobolid (Diplopoda) from Vietnam.
Nematology, 2001, vol. 3, N 6, P. 559-571
19. E.S. Ivanova, Spiridonov S.E. First report of Steinernema bicornutum (Nematoda, Rhabditida, Steinernematidae) from the North Caucasus
Vestnik Zoologii, 2003, vol. 37, N 3, P. 57-63
20. D.J. Hunt, Pham Van Luc, Spiridonov S.E. Bizarre Ichthyocephalidae (Nematoda, Rhigonematida) from Vietnam with description of Ichthyocephalus gen n. sp. n. and X. phrissus gen. n. sp. n.
Nematology, 2002, vol. 4, N 7, P. 829-843.
21. Spiridonov S.E. Krasomil-Osterfeld K., Moens M.Steinernema jollietti sp. n. (Rhabditida:Steinernematidae), a new entomopathogenic nematode from the American Midwest.
Russian Journal of Nematology, 2004, vol. 12, N 1, P. 85-95
22. Spiridonov S.E. E. Lyons, M.Wilson Steinernema kraussei (Rhabditida, Steinernematidae) from Iceland
Comparative Parasitology, 2004, vol. 71, N 2 P. 215-220
23. Spiridonov S.E., S.A. Subbotin, A.P. Reid, K. Podrucka, M. Moens. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Steinernema (Nematoda: Rhabditida) as inferred from analyses of sequences of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of rDNA and morphological features.
Nematology, 2004, vol. 6, N 4, P. 547-565
24. Pham Van Luc, Wilson M.J., Spiridonov S.E. Aulacnema monodelphis n.g. n.sp. and Angiostoma coloaense n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Angiostomatidae) from terrestrial molluscs of Vietnam.
Systematic Parasitology, 2005, vol. 60, P. 91-9.
25. E.S. Ivanova, M.J. Wilson, Spiridonov S.E. The nematodes of the genus Dicelis Dujardin, 1845 parasitic in earthworms: the interrelationships of four Eurasian populations.
Russian Journal of Nematology, 2005, vol. 13, N 1, P. 61-81
26. Spiridonov S.E., Moens, M., Wilson, M.J Fine scale spatial distributions of two entomopathogenic nematodes in a grassland soil.
Applied Soil Ecology, 2007, vol. 37, N 3, P. 192-201
27. Spiridonov S.E., Guzeeva E. A. Phylogeny of nematodes of the superfamily Thelastomatoidea (Oxyurida) inferred from LSU rDNA sequence.
Russian Journal of Nematology, 2009, vol. 17, N 2, P. 127-134
28. Guzeeva E.A.; Pham Van Luc, Spiridonov S.E. Aoruroides cochinchinensis sp n. (Oxyurida: Thelastomatidae) from Vietnamese Panesthiinae wood-burrowing cockroaches.
Zootaxa, 2010, Issue 2477, P. 62-68
29. Ivanova, E.S., Spiridonov S.E. Angiostoma glandicola sp. n. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae): a parasite in the land snail Megaustenia sp. from the Cat Tien Forest, Vietnam.
Journal of Helminthology, 2010, vol. 84, N 3 P. 297-304
30. Ivanova E. S., Spiridonov S.E. Two new species of creagrocercid nematodes parasitic in earthworms, with comments on the phylogenetic affiliations of the Creagrocercidae Baylis, 1943.
Systematic Parasitology, 2011, vol. 78, N 2, P. 81-94
31. Spiridonov S.E., Cribb T.H. Travassosinema dalei sp. n. (Thelastomatoidea; Nematoda) from the hind gut of an Australian scarabaeid larva
New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 2012, Vol. 39, N 4, P. 291-300
32. Ivanova E.S., Shepeleva N.S., Spiridonov S.E. Morphological and molecular characterisation of Steinernema costaricense Uribe-Lor?o, Mora &2007 (Panagrolaimorpha: Steinernematidae) isolate from Bush Augusta
Systematic Parasitology, 2013, Vol. 85, P. 219-234.
33. Malysheva S.V. Spiridonov S.E. Ichtyocephaloides sumbatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhigonematoidea) from Indonesia and additional data on Xystrognathus phrissus Hunt, Pham Van Luc & Spiridonov, 2002.
Nematology, 2013, Vol.15, P. 575-588.
34. Guzeeva E.A., Spiridonov S.E. Molecular-taxonomic study of two species of Pseudonymus Diesing, 1957 (Oxyuridomorpha: Thelastomatoidea: Pseudonymidae) from water beetles (Coleoptera:Hydrophilidae)
Russian Journal of Nematology, 2013, vol. 21, N2 , P. 131-139.
35. Ivanova E.S., Ganin G.N, Spiridonov S.E. A new genus and two nematode specie (Drilonematoidea, Ungellidae, Synoecneminae) parasitic in two morphs of Drawida ghilarovi Gates, 1969, endemic earthworm from Russian Far East
Systematic Parasitology, 2014, vol. 87, P. 231-248
36. Malysheva S.V., Mohagan A.B. Spiridonov S.E. Heth impalutiensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Ransomnematoidea: Hethidae) a millipede parasite from Central Mindanao, Philippines
Zootaxa, 2015, vol. 3926, N 1, P. 100-110
37. Ivanova E.S., Spiridonov S.E. Four new species of Iponematinae (Drilonematidae, Drilonematoidea, Cephalobomorpha) parasitic in earthworms: description and molecular affiliations
Nematology, 2015, vol . 17, P. 1207-1227
38. Wilson M.J., Ivanova E.S., Spiridonov S.E. Born to be wild – don’t forget the invertebrates
Trends in Parasitology, 2015, vol. 31, P. 530-532

Членство в научных обществах
European Society of Nematologists
Редакционная деятельность
Nematology (Brill)
Russian Journal of Nematology