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On February 6, the IEE RAS held Readings in Memory of Academician V.E. Sokolov

The annual Readings in Memory of Academician Vladimir Evgenievich Sokolov were held at the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The opening speech was given by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Scientific Director of the IEE RAS Dmitry Sergeevich Pavlov. He spoke about the most important achievements of the Institute over the year and how the areas started by Vladimir Evgenievich are developing.

Traditionally, the Sokolovsky Readings feature an accomplished leading scientist and young, but already distinguished researchers. This year, the following reports were presented:

1. Soil microfauna and industrial pollution: mechanisms of resistance - D.Sc. (Biology) E.L. Vorobeychik

2. What can the teeth of fossil mammals tell us about their lifestyle? - Ph.D. (Biology) R.I. Belyaev

3. Ecological models of Caucasian rock lizards: past, present and future - Ph.D. (Biology) F.A. Osipov

Also, traditionally, the speakers of last year were awarded diplomas of Sokolovsky Readings laureates. You can see all the photos in our VKontakte group.