The Russian Science Foundation has summed up the results of the priority area of activity "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by small individual scientific groups". Based on the results of the expert assessment, 1,206 projects received support.
The following projects from the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS received support from the support of the Fund:
- "Patterns of Origin of the Fauna of Groundwater in the Caucasus Region on the Example of Microgastropods of the Hydrobiidae Family", Palatov D. M.
- "Non-invasive Visualization of Electrical Activity of Catfish and Other Aquatic Animals in Behavioral Experiments", Zlenko D. V.
- "Chronic Effect of Polydisperse Nanosized Particles of Secondary Plastics on the Fish Organism", Krysanov E. Yu.
- "Features of Ecology and Habitat Condition of Deep-Sea Fish Species from Various Marine and Freshwater Biotopes Based on Data on the Chemical Composition of Otoliths", Orlov A. M.
- "Bioconversion of Polystyrene with the Help of Insects in Laboratory Conditions", Bastrakov A. I.
- "Embryonization of Ontogenesis and Formation of Direct Development in Lower Vertebrates: Ontogenetic and Morphological Changes and Their Evolutionary Significance", Shkil' F. N.
- "Reconstruction of outbreaks of oak-damaging insects over the past 1500 years", Khasanov B.F.
- "Assessment of genetic resistance to chronic wasting disease (CWD) in representatives of the Cervidae family of the boreal zone of Russia: polymorphism of the prion protein gene Prnp and its relationship with the phylogeographic structure of species", Kholodova M.V.
- "Veterinary antibiotics in soil-plant systems: environmental consequences of migration in the soil and accumulation in agricultural crops", Kiryushina A.P.
- "The role of soil biota in the biodegradation of tobacco waste", Korobushkin D.I.
You can see the list of winners at the link.
The competition is aimed at supporting and developing research teams that occupy leading positions in certain fields of science. Grants under the competition of small individual research groups are allocated for the implementation of fundamental and exploratory scientific research in 2025-2026 in all fields of knowledge of the RSF classifier.