In the period from October 20 to November 2, 2024, the scientific work of the international Russian-Chinese laboratory for the study of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard was launched. It was created in March 2024 on the basis of cooperation between the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEE RAS) and the North-East Forest University Harbin (NEFU). The head of the Laboratory from the Russian side is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher of the IEE RAS V.V. Rozhnov.
All IEE RAS employees who arrived in Harbin took part in the working meeting with their own reports. The meeting was implemented in the form of daily sessions devoted to modern studies of the Amur tiger, Amur and North Chinese leopard, conducted in Russia and China over the past 20 years. Current topics, promising areas for further work were discussed, a work plan for the laboratory for the next six months was jointly developed and compiled.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Rozhnov presented a report in the form of a lecture for postgraduate students and research associates of the Center for the Study of Cats of the SVULH and a message about the current work of the joint Russian-Chinese laboratory for the study of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard for discussion with the staff. The report-lecture for all postgraduate students and research associates of the Center for the Study of Cats of the SVULH was devoted to the topic “Zoogeography and ecological security: barriers and corridors in the ecology of large mammals in the Russian Far East”. The second message “Current work of the Joint Sino-Russia Research Laboratory for Amur Tiger Conservation and Restoration” concerned the current work of the laboratory. During the reports, V.V. Rozhnov reflected the environmental challenges that are relevant for both countries, requiring close interaction between government agencies and scientists presenting scientifically based recommendations prepared by them. Such interactions and competent recommendations are necessary for the implementation of transboundary political decisions aimed at minimizing the degree of fragmentation of tiger habitats. Rozhnov V.V. also proposed a project for joint work of the laboratory from the Russian side. Professor Guanshun Jiang and a number of his employees made corresponding proposals from the Chinese side.
Senior researcher, PhD in Biology Anna Yachmennikova presented two reports on the topic of studying the behavior of tigers and leopards in captivity and in the wild: “Research Process on Field Population and Habitat of Amur Tigers and Leopards in Russia” and “Development of Amur Leopard cubs (P.p. orientalis) during the first year of their life and an ontogeny scale: based on observations in captivity”. The reports highlighted the importance of this type of research (based on the positive experience of the Russian side in this area) for the conservation of these species of large cats on Earth through the development of methods for the rehabilitation and preparation of animals in captivity for release into the wild, and the restoration of endangered populations.
Senior researcher, PhD in Biology Zvycheynaya E.Yu. gave a review report during the meeting, “Possibilities for comparative analysis of previously accumulated and new molecular genetic data; Prospective directions for research”, dedicated to the work carried out by IEE RAS to address the main issues in the framework of studies of the molecular genetic diversity of mammals. Zvycheynaya E.Yu. also presented specific proposals of the Russian team on possible prospects for international cooperation between Russia and China in a joint study of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard, taking into account the already accumulated data and the use of modern methods of whole-genome sequencing.
Senior researcher, PhD in Biology Sorokin P.A. made a report on the topic “Review of population genetic studies of Amur tiger and Far Eastern leopard carried out by Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 2009 to 2023”. The presentation reviewed the results of work carried out by employees of the IEE RAS on the topic of population genetic studies of the Amur tiger and Far Eastern leopard and presented proposals for joint work in this area. The issue of creating a common database on mammals living in Russia and China was discussed, and corresponding proposals were made.
Senior researcher, PhD in Biology Sokolov S.G. presented a report on the prospects of parasitological research of the Amur tiger: "Parasites of Amur Tiger: promising research directions". The report considered current research tasks and optimal ways to solve them. During the discussion, the Chinese side supported the need to develop the parasitological direction and expand it, covering other groups of animals that serve as actual or potential food for the tiger, as well as other food chain systems associated with the tiger.
Following the results of all the days of the meetings, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Rozhnov presented a plan of joint work of the Russian-Chinese laboratory for the study of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard for the next six months, agreed upon by both parties, in four main areas: genetic research, research into the formation of tiger behavior during ontogenesis, research into the parasite fauna of the Amur tiger and ecologically related species, and the development of scientifically sound solutions to minimize and prevent the consequences of the Amur tiger-human conflict. The developed plan of joint work is attached to the report.
The IEE RAS staff also met with the team of the Institute of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Sciences. Joint work on studying the state of tiger habitats in China within the framework of a previously concluded agreement with this Institute (2016) has been successfully carried out since 2017. During the meeting, areas for further cooperation in 2025 were discussed with the new director of the Institute of Natural Resources and Ecology: the possibility of developing joint research devoted to the study of the parasite fauna of fish within the framework of work on the tasks of the Institute of the Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Sciences; other previously agreed areas of interaction aimed at studying the territory of the Greater Khingan for its suitability for tiger restoration and joint research into ecosystem processes remain in force. Discussions were conducted in English.
During the trip, a meeting was held and an additional conference was organized with the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Wildlife Letters (Wiley). This journal was created on the basis of NEFU two years ago, specializing in the publication of research carried out on the basis of biological stations, zoos, protected areas, etc.: The meeting was devoted to the implementation of a series of annual special issues of the journal on topics related to research of the Amur tiger. We invite you to publish your work, at the moment the journal has the right to assign DOI to articles and has applied for inclusion in the Scopus database of peer-reviewed scientific literature.