On November 15, the first practical lesson on identifying microscopic algae and invertebrates in hydrobiological samples was held at the IEE RAS Laboratory of Aquatic Communities and Invasions under the guidance of Anna Nikolaevna Neretina.
In 60 minutes, the participants got acquainted with the main groups of hydrobionts that inhabit continental water bodies, with the structure of the dichotomous identification key, learned to identify algae and cladocerans to the species level using pictures. An important result of the lesson can be considered the establishment of the species affiliation of the invertebrate animal, displayed on the avatar of the IEE RAS chat "Mysterious Worlds in a Drop of Water". This animal, similar to Darth Vader from "Star Wars", is called Scapholeberis mucronata (O.F. Mueller, 1776) (scapholeberis mucronata). Scapholeberis is a representative of neuston. It attaches itself with the ventral edges of the valve to the surface film of water, but can also deftly crawl along the surface of aquatic macrophytes.