Chukmasov Pavel Viktorovich, junior research fellow at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, immersed the children in the world of marine mammals.
The lecture began with a fascinating introduction to the evolutionary stages that led to the emergence of these amazing creatures - cetaceans and seals.
It turns out that even-toed ungulates are relatives of whales and form the order Ceto-ungulates, seals have a common ancestor with mustelids, and elephants are relatives of sea cows.
Pavel Viktorovich spoke in detail about the various groups of marine mammals, focusing on their adaptations to life in water.
The students learned with great interest about some of the physiological features that allow marine mammals to exist in aquatic environments.
At the end, everyone was happy to look at the whales' baffles and teeth and took a photo as a souvenir.