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Anna Yachmennikova spoke in Beijing within the framework of the project "The Word about the Russian Heart"

Tourist programs in Russian nature reserves and national parks were presented as part of the project “The Word about the Russian Heart”, which opened in Beijing on June 12, Russia Day.

Anna Yachmennikova, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Mammal Behavior and Behavioral Ecology of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences, told TASS reporters about the importance of such cooperation:

"Reserves, at present, due to the colossal pressure of man on nature, are the only existing spaces where nature lives in its own balance. Despite the fact that their areas are small, a well-organized system of protected areas in those places that are key for a complex of species, and a correctly planned system of ecological corridors between them can form a kind of ecological network that will solve the issue of fragmentation of animal habitats and allow humans and nature to exist in harmony. Issues of this level can only be resolved at the international level, since nature knows no boundaries.”