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Tagansky park in Moscow is holding a photo exhibition “Birds of Moscow parks and their singing,” organized by staff of IEE RAS

From May 1 to May 31, the photo exhibition “Birds of Moscow Parks and Their Singing” is taking place in the Tagansky Park of Culture and Recreation in the children’s area.

The theme of the photo exhibition is “The language of birds: a textbook on street stands.” The exhibition was prepared by employees of the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution  RAS, incl. B.N. Veprintsev audio libraries of animal voices. The music library contains one of the world's largest collections of bird voice recordings. Greenfinch, chaffinch, great tit, blue tit, nuthatch, pika, robin, goldfinch, nightingale, chiffchaff, house sparrow, tree sparrow are presented with high quality photographs and a variety of sounds with decoding of their functions in the communication system of birds.

Why were these species chosen? With a high probability you will meet them in May in any park in Moscow. Many stay in the crowns; it’s not easy to see them in the foliage, but you can always hear them. You will find QR codes for singing standards at the stands. You will be able to identify the species in the park by their voices, observe the behavior of birds and the phases of their life cycle. Record, photograph, identify species with your children. Watch the construction of nests, laying and incubation of eggs, hatching, feeding, and flight of chicks. Having learned to distinguish tree sparrows from house sparrows, you will be able to take part in the All-Russian Census of Sparrows, which is annually conducted by the Russian Bird Conservation Union in order to answer the question “Where did the sparrows disappear?” And then we can think about helping wintering species.”

Address of the photo exhibition: Bolshoi Fakelny Lane, 8с2.

The exhibition was prepared by employees of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the idea and organization of the exhibition was O.D. Veprintsev. Photos of birds - A.L. Mishchenko and D.G. Ivanov. Sound recordings of bird voices - B.N. Veprintsev, O.D. Veprintsev and others from the collection of the  B.N. Veprintsev Audio Library of Animal Voices. Texts - O.D. Veprintseva, A.L. Mishchenko, D.G. Ivanov. Design - T.I. Khokhlova, prototyping - Sv. Naidenko. Presentation on the website of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences - A.N. Lavrova.