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V.G. Petrosyan’s work is included in the list of bright research results of russian scientists for 2023, which were covered in the media

Together with the Vedomosti newspaper, the RSF has prepared for publication an informational selection of the 10 best studies of the year. We are very glad that the work under the leadership of V.G. Petrosyan was included in this list, within the framework of which the top 100 most dangerous alien organisms in Russia were analyzed.

Biologists from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the participation of foreign scientists from 19 countries, collected about 3 million records of encounters with alien species of organisms dangerous to ecosystems and the economy of Russia, which made it possible to find out how they appeared in the past (since 1600), are widespread now and to estimate their future spread throughout the world/

Using mathematical methods based on global climate models and GIS technologies, scientists have found that in the current climate, most alien species live in the central part and south of Russia. According to forecasts, by the end of the century the rate of their spread will increase from four to seven times. Conservation organizations can use the data to plan measures to limit further invasions.

The introduction of new organisms into ecosystems is a normal evolutionary process, explained Nikolai Ermakov, chief researcher at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. But, as research led by Varos Petrosyan shows, if in natural conditions it is quite gradual and long-lasting, giving native and alien species time to adapt to each other, humans significantly accelerate this migration, which harms not only the environment, but also themselves. Thus, on the territory of Russia in 2007–2019. economic damage from the impact of invasive species was estimated at 1.38 trillion rubles, he concluded.

Source: Varos Petrosyan et al. // NeoBiota, 2023

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