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Leading Researcher of the IPEE RAS S.E. Spiridonov receives the N.E.Pavlovsky award


The E.N. Pavlovsky prize of 2020 was awarded to Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergey Spiridonov from the A.N.Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS. The scientist was noted for a series of works "Systematics and phylogeny of nematodes parasitizing in invertebrates."

The presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded the Doctor of Biological Sciences Arkady Balushkin the gold medal of L.S. Berg in 2020. The employee of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences received the award for a series of works on the morphology, systematics, and historical biogeography of Antarctic fish.

The Yu.A. Israel gold medal in 2020 will be received by the Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Sergei Semenov (Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after academician Yu.A. Israel) for the cycle of works "Greenhouse gases and climate change".