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The B.N. Veprintsev Phonotheka of Animal Voices (VPAV)

Olga Veprintseva, Curator

+7 926 389 9743;;




The Phonotheque of Animal Voices was created by Dr. Boris Nikolaevich Veprintsev (1928–1990) on the basis of an array of sound recordings of birds’ voices, made by him in nature and published on vinyl records. This work has brought him worldwide fame. Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences No. 37-186 of 26 January 1973. Phonotheka was established as a subdivision of the Institute of Biological Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research. Since 1991 Phonotheka is named by B.N. Veprintsev. The Phonotheka was transferred to the IPEE RAS by the Order of the Presidium of RAS No. 12-300-197 in 22 of March, 2007.


Борис Вепринцев на экскурсии для записи голосов птиц. Подмосковье. 1976.
Boris Veprintsev on an excursion to record bird voices. Moscow region. 1976


More than one hundred biologists transferred their records to the Veprintsev Phonotheka. Today we have more than 27.5 thousand phonograms. Among them there are 500 mammalian records and 26000 bird voices with their geographical, seasonal and gender variability. The sound library also features the sounds of insects, amphibians, reptiles, fish and landscape sound recordings. Archives of sound recordings of nature are available in many developed countries of the world. The Veprintsev Phonotheka, the largest in Northeast Eurasia, ranks 9th among them in terms of the number of phonograms. According to current systematic lists, there are 844 bird species in the former USSR. The Phonotheka has records for 640 species (76% of species). In addition, there are original field materials recorded in Mongolia. More than 30 endemic and rare species and 26 species listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR are represented in the Phonotheque. Another 151 species (18%) have phonograms from foreign sources. The collection is widely used for basic science, education and conservation work.


ФГЖВ_Из коллекции аналоговых копий_


ФГЖВ_Фрагмент L.lanceolata эл.каталога
Fragment of the electronic catalog for Locustellalanceolata


From the collection of digital copies on compact discs


В.К.Рябицев и О.Д.Вепринцева. Подбор аудио для ГОЛОСА ПТИЦ РОССИИ_2004



публикации фонетеки


Some publications and articles that use materials from the Animal Voice Library named after B.N. Veprintseva

Вепринцев Б.Н., В.И. Марков (1963). Методика и техника записи голосов животных в полевых условиях//Институт биологической физики АН СССР. Москва

Labutin Y.V., V.V. Leonovotch and B.N. Veprintsev (1982). The little curlew Numenius minutus in Siberia//Ibis V.124, Issue 3, pages 302-319, July 1982.

Weprincew B.N., W.W. Leonowitsch und W.A. Netschajew (1989). Zur Lebensweise von Phylloscopus borealoides Portenko und Phylloscopus tenellipes Swinhoe.//Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 65.. Suppl.: Ann. Orn. 13, 71-80.

Вепринцев Б.Н., М.М. Заблоцкая. Акустическая сигнализация у кроншнепа-малютки Numenius minutus Gould// АН СССР. НЦБИ. 1982. Пущино

Бёме И.Р. Акустическая коммуникация сибирской горихвостки Phoenicurus auroreus (Pallas) //АН СССР. НЦБИ. Фонотека голосов животных. 1984. Пущино.

Kroodsma D. E., G. F. Budney, R. W. Grotke, J. M E Vielliard, S L. L. Gaunt, R Ranft and О D Veprintseva. 1996. Natural Sounds Archives. Guidance for Recordists and a Request for Cooperation. Pages 474-486 hi Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds (D. E. Kroodsma and E. H. Miller, Eds). Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London

Леонович В.В., Демина Г.В., Вепринцева ОД. К систематике и филогении коньков (Anthus, Motacillidae) Евразии//Бюлл. МОИП. Отд. биол. 1997. Т. 102. Вып. 2. Стр. 14-22.

Вепринцева О.Д., Леонович В.В., Букреев С.А, Демина Г.В., Васильчиков В.В., Вепринцев Д. Б., Черкасова И.Ю., Абакумова И.В., Демин И.П.. «О систематизации и документировании биоакустических материалов»//Зоологический журнал. Том79(5), с.618-622. 2000. Москва. Наука

Robb Magnus S. Introduction to vocalization of crossbills in north-western Europe//Dutch Birding, 22. P. 61-107. 2000.

Вепринцева О.Д. Старение магнитных лент: синдром, физико-химические основы процесса, подходы к восстановлению//2001. //

Вепринцева О.Д., Рябицев В.К. «Птицы Европейской России, Урала, и Западной Сибири. Определитель по голосам»// Орнитологические исследования в Северной Евразии. Тезисы ХII Международной орнитологической конференции Сев. Евразии. Ставрополь, 2006. стр 110-111.

Рубцов А.С., 2007. Изменчивость песни обыкновенной (Emberiza citrinella) и белошапочной (Emberiza leucocephala) овсянок как показатель структуры популяций и эволюционной истории видв // Зоологический журнал, т. 86, № 7, с. 863-876.

Панов Е.Н. Сорокопуты (семейство Laniidae) мировой фауны: экология, поведение, эволюция. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 2008. 620 с.+64 цв. Вкл.

Marova I.M., V.V. Ivanitskii, O.D. Veprintseva. Individual, Population, and Geographic Differentiation in Advertising Song of the Blyth’s Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus dumetorum (Sylvidae). Biology Bulletin, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 846–860. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2010. Original Russian Text © I.M. Marova, V.V. Ivanitskii, O.D. Veprintseva, 2010, Zoologich. Zhurnal, 2010, No. 6, pp. 1–17.

Марова И.М., А.Л. Ивлиева , О.Д. Вепринцева , В В. Иваницкий. Сравнительный анализ дифференциации песни восточного (Luscinia luscinia) и южного (Luscinia megarhynchos) соловьев на пространстве их ареалов//Зоологический журнал, 2015, том 94, № 6, с. 701–710.

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