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Center of Biosystems Safety


Address: Russia, 119071, Moscow, Leninskij prosp., 33 

Phone: 8 (499) 135-21-43


Headed by Professor Vladimir S. Roumak, Dr. Med. Sci.

The “Center of Biosystem Safety” was organized in 2011 as an adjunct to the Laboratory of General Ecotoxicology of the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, whose main task has been to study the dioxin pathology the population of Vietnam as a long-term, ecologically-dependent biomedical consequence of the use of Agent Orange (1962–1971).

The Laboratory’s formation has led to development of a systemic approach to identification and study of patterns of environmental and individual responses to the effects of low-dose anthropogenic chemical compounds with superecotoxicant properties, primarily dioxins and dioxinlike substances. The degree and extent of their presence in the environment and impact on humans are not yet evaluated

Laboratory staff specialize in the development of topics pertaining to ecotoxicometry, reproductive and molecular toxicology. Special attention is devoted to improvement of the methodological basis for identifying zones of environmental distress – primarily in residential areas located near landfills with solid industrial and municipal waste, and wasteincineration facilities – potential sources of emissions and discharges of superecotoxicants into the environment.

Of great importance to the Laboratory is collaboration with the Biology Department of Moscow State University, which is carried out in joint programs and under an agreement on scientific cooperation.

Румак Владимир Степанович

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