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Галоян Эдуард Арташесович

Роль социальных отношений в формировании пространственной структуры поселений партеногенетических и бисексуальных видов скальных ящериц
1. Spangenberg, V., Arakelyan, M., Galoyan E.A., Pankin M., Petrosyan R., Stepanyan I., Grishaeva T., Danielyan F., Kolomiets O. 2019. Extraordinary centromeres: differences in the meiotic chromosomes of two rock lizards species Darevskia portschinskii and Darevskia raddei. PeerJ. pp. e6360., IF= 2.35 Q1
2. Galoyan E.A., Tsellarius Elena Yu, Arakelyan Marine S. 2019. Friend-or-foe? Behavioural evidence suggests interspecific discrimination leading to low probability of hybridization in two coexisting rock lizard species (Lacertidae, Darevskia). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 73: 46 10.1007/s00265-019-2650-7 IF= 2.277 Q1
3. Galoyan E.A., Alisa Bolshakova, Manush Abrahamyan, Ruzanna Petrosyan, Valeria Komarova, Viсtor Spangenberg, Marine Arakelyan. 2019. Natural history of Valentin's rock lizard (Darevskia valentini). Zoological research. 40:277-292 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2019.036 IF= 1.09 Q2
4. Spangenberg, V., Arakelyan, M., Cioffi, M.d.B. et al. 2020. Cytogenetic mechanisms of unisexuality in rock lizards. Scientific Reports 10, 8697 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65686-7 IF= 3.998 Q1
5. Tarkhnishvili, D., Yanchukov, A., Şahin, M.K. et al. 2020. Genotypic similarities among the parthenogenetic Darevskia rock lizards with different hybrid origins. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 122. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-020-01690-9. IF= 2.013 Q1
6. Eduard Galoyan, Viktoria Moskalenko, Mariam Gabelaia, David Tarkhnishvili, Victor Spangenberg, Anna Chamkina, Marine Arakelyan. 2020. Syntopy of two species of rock lizards (Darevskia raddei and Darevskia portschinskii) may not lead to hybridization between them, Zoologischer Anzeiger. 288:43-52. IF= 1.366 Q1
7. Spangenberg, V., Kolomiets, O., Stepanyan,... Galoyan E.A., et al. 2020. Evolution of the parthenogenetic rock lizard hybrid karyotype: Robertsonian translocation between two maternal chromosomes in Darevskia rostombekowi. Chromosoma 129, 275–283. IF= 4.316 Q1
8. Spangenberg V, Arakelyan M, Galoyan E, Martirosyan I, Bogomazova A, Martynova E, de Bello Cioffi M, Liehr T, Al-Rikabi A, Osipov F, Petrosyan V, Kolomiets O. 2021. Meiotic synapsis of homeologous chromosomes and mismatch repair protein detection in the parthenogenetic rock lizard Darevskia unisexualis. Mol Reprod Dev. 88:119-127. IF= 2.124 Q1
9. Николаев О.Д , Белова Д. А., Новиков Б. А., Симис И. Б., Петросян Р. К., Аракелян М.С., Комарова Р. К., Галоян Р. К. 2021. Особенности термобиологии партеногенетических скальных ящериц (Darevskia armeniaca и Darevskia unisexualis) и обоеполого вида Darevskia Dalentini (Lacertidae, Squamata). Зоологический журнал 11:1214-23. IF=0.223, Q3
10. Yanchukov A, Tarkhnishvili D, Erdolu M, Şahin MK, Candan K, Murtskhvaladze M, Gabelaia M, Iankoshvili G, Barateli N, Ilgaz Ç, Kumlutaş Y, Matur F, Çolak F, Arakelyan M, Galoyan E, 2022. Precise paternal ancestry of hybrid unisexual ZW lizards (genus Darevskia: Lacertidae: Squamata) revealed by Z-linked genomic markers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 20: 1–13.IF=2.138, Q1
11. Alexey Yanchukov, David Tarkhnishvili, Meriç Erdolu, Mehmet Kürşat Şahin, Kamil Candan, Marine Murtskhvaladze, Mariam Gabelaia, Giorgi Iankoshvili, Natia Barateli, Çetin Ilgaz, Yusuf Kumlutaş, Ferhat Matur, Faruk Çolak, Marine Arakelyan, Eduard Galoyan, Precise paternal ancestry of hybrid unisexual ZW lizards (genus Darevskia: Lacertidae: Squamata) revealed by Z-linked genomic markers, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 136, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 293–305 IF=2.277, Q1
12. Galoyan E., Sopilko N., Kovalyeva A., Qi Y. 2023. Do Larger and Older Individuals Occupy Better Areas in the Colony of Qinghai Toad-headed Agamas? Asian Herpetological Research, Volume 14, Issue 3: 183-190. IF=1,56, Q1
13. Kropachev I., Tarkhnishvili D., Murtskhvaladze M., Galoyan E. 2023.
Living apart together: Morphological, spatial, and genetic differentiation of three sympatric rock lizard species (Lacertidae: Darevskia) of the Caucasus,
Zoologischer Anzeiger, Volume 303: 71-79. IF=1,58, Q1
14. Marine Arakelyan, Victor Spangenberg, Varos Petrosyan, Alexey Ryskov, Oksana Kolomiets, Eduard Galoyan, Evolution of parthenogenetic reproduction in Caucasian rock lizards: A review, Current Zoology, Volume 69, Issue 2, April 2023, Pages 128–135. IF=2,73, Q1