Bekker E.I., Karabanov D.P., Galimov Y.R., Kotov A.A., 2016. DNA barcoding reveals high cryptic diversity in the North Eurasian Moina species (Crustacea: Cladocera). PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161737.
Popova E.V., Petrusek A., Kořínek V., Mergeay J., Bekker E.I., Karabanov D.P., Galimov Y.R., Neretina T.V., Taylor D.J., Kotov A.A., 2016. Revision of the Old World Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) similis group (Cladocera: Daphniidae). Zootaxa 4161(1): 1–40.
Padhye S.M., Kotov A.A., Dahanukar N., Dumont H.J., 2016. Biogeography of the ‘water flea’ Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) on the Indian subcontinent. Journal of Limnology 75(3): 571-580.
Kotov A.A., Gololobova M.A., 2016. Traditional taxonomy – quo vadis? Integrative Zoology 11: 500–505.
Hegna T.A., Kotov A.A., 2016. Ephippia belonging to Ceriodaphnia Dana, 1853 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Daphniidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Australia. Palaeontologia Electronica 19.3.40A: 1-9.
Van Damme K., Kotov A.A., 2016. The fossil record of the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda): Evidence and hypotheses. Earth-Science Reviews 163: 162–189.
Kotov A.A., Karabanov D.P., Bekker E.I., Neterina T.V., Taylor D.J., 2016. Phylogeography of the Chydorus sphaericus group (Cladocera: Chydoridae) in the Northern Palearctic. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0168711.
Жаров А.А., Котов А.А., 2017. Тафоценозы эфемерных водоемов степной зоны европейской части России по данным альго-зоологического анализа рецентных отложений. Известия РАН, Серия Биологическая 2017, № 3, с. 312–321. DOI: 10.7868/S0002332917020229
Sousa F.D.R., Palaoro A.V., Elmoor-Loureiro L.M.A., Kotov A.A., 2017. Predicting the invasive potential of the cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi Sars, 1885 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Daphniidae) in the Neotropics: are generalists threatened and relicts protected by their life-history traits? Journal of Limnology 76(2): 272-280. DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2016.1571
Alonso M., Kotov A.A., 2017. A new species of Alonella Sars, 1862 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydoridae) from the Ecuadorian Andes. Zootaxa 4290(3): 581–590.
Neretina A.N., Kotov A.A., 2017. Old World-New World differentiation of so-called “circumtropical” taxa: the case of rare genus Grimaldina Richard, 1892 (Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Macrothricidae). Zootaxa 4291(2): 295–323.
Jeong H.G., Sinev A.Y., Brancelj A., Chang K.H., Kotov A.A., 2017. A new blind groundwater-dwelling genus of the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the Korean Peninsula. Zootaxa 4341: 451–474.
Neretina A.N., Kotov A.A., 2017. Diversity and distribution of the Macrothrix paulensis species group (Crustacea: Cladocera: Macrothricidae) in the tropics: what can we learn from the morphological data? Annales de Limnologie – International Journal of Limnology 53: 425–465.
Neretina A.N., Garibian P.G., Sinev A.Y., Kotov A.A., 2018. Diversity of the subgenus Disparalona (Mixopleuroxus) Hudec, 2010 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in the New and Old World. Journal of Natural History 52(3–4): 155–205.
Bekker E.I., Karabanov D.P., Galimov Y.R., Haag C.R., Neretina T.V., Kotov A.A., 2018. Phylogeography of Daphnia magna Straus (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Northern Eurasia: Evidence for a deep longitudinal split between mitochondrial lineages. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194045.
Karabanov D.P., Bekker E.I., Shiel R.J., Kotov A.A., 2018. Invasion of a Holarctic planktonic cladoceran Daphnia galeata Sars (Crustacea: Cladocera) in the Lower Lakes of South Australia. Zootaxa 4402(1): 136–148.
Zuykova E.I., Simonov E.P., Bochkarev N.A., Taylor D.J., Kotov A.A., 2018. Resolution of the Daphnia umbra problem (Crustacea: Cladocera) using an integrated taxonomic approach. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184(4): 969–998.
Котов А.А., Жаров А.А., Чернова О.Ф., Неретина А.Н., Гололобова М.А., Трофимова С.С., Зиновьев Е.В., Изюмова Е.И., Занина О.Г., Кириллова И.В., Шидловский Ф.К., 2018. Жаброногие ракообразные (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) в комплексе органических остатков из шерсти мамонта. Зоологический журнал 97(10): 1300–1314.
Zuykova E.I., Simonov E.P., Bochkarev N.A., Abramov S.A., Sheveleva N.G., Kotov A.A., 2018. Contrasting phylogeographic patterns and demographic history in closely related species of Daphnia longispina group (Crustacea: Cladocera) with focus on North-Eastern Eurasia. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0207347.
Жаров А.А., Хасанов Б.Ф., Котов А.А., 2018. Пространственная неоднородность тафоценоза Озера Кендур по данным комплексного зоологического и кладоцерного анализа. Зоологический журнал 97(11): 1330–1339.
Kotov AA., Ibragimova A.G., Neretina A.N., 2018. Species identification in Ceriodaphnia Dana (Crustacea: Cladocera) from European Russia based on the ephippium morphology. Zootaxa 4527 (1): 105–123.
Garibian P.G., Neretina A.N., Klimovsky A.I., Kotov A.A., 2018. A new case of West-East differentiation of the freshwater fauna in Northern Eurasia: the Pleuroxus trigonellus species group (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydoridae)). Zootaxa 4532 (4): 451–482.
Alonso M., Neretina A.N., Sanoamuang L., Saengphan N., Kotov A.A., 2019. A new species of Moina Baird, 1850 (Cladocera: Moinidae) from Thailand. Zootaxa 4554 (1): 199–218.
Garibian P.G., Chertoprud E.S., Sinev A.Yu., Korovchinsky N.M., Kotov A.A., 2019. Cladocera and Copepoda (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of the Lake Bolon and its basin (Far East of Russia). Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.28. No.1. P.37–63.
Kotov A.A., Taylor D.J., 2019. Contrasting endemism in pond-dwelling cyclic parthenogens: the Daphnia curvirostris species group (Crustacea: Cladocera). Scientific Reports 9: 6812.
Neretina A.N., Kotov A.A., Van Damme K., 2019. A new case of false “wide” distribution for tropical cladocerans: the genus Notoalona Rajapaksa & Fernando, 1987 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in the Old World. Zootaxa 4615 (3): 489–510.
Karabanov D.P., Kotov A.A., 2019. Modified primers for DNA barcoding and metabarcoding for invasive freshwater fishes. Genome 62(6): 393.
Kotov A.A., Karabanov D.P., Bekker E.I., 2019. Mapping the main suture zone between two faunistic super-complexes of the freshwater fauna in Northern Eurasia: Cladocera as a model group. Genome 62(6): 393-394.
Karabanov D.P., Bekker E.I., Neretina A.N., Garibian P.G., Kotov A.A., Taylor D.J., 2019. Advances in DNA barcoding of the Cladocera (Crustacea) of the Far Eastern Palearctic. Genome 62(6): 394.
Кирдяшева А.Г., Котов А.А., 2019. Педоморфные тенденции в эволюции группы видов Daphnia (Daphnia) longispina s. lat. (Crustacea: Cladocera: Daphniidae). Биология Внутренних Вод 12(2), 150-160.
Ибрагимова А. Г., Фролова Л.А., Косарева Л.Р., Котов А.А., Нургалиев Д.К., 2019. Тафоценоз ветвистоусых ракообразных озера Рубское (Ивановская область, Европейская часть Российской Федерации). Зоологический журнал 98 (8): 854–864.
Zuykova E.I., Sheveleva N.G., Kotov A.A., 2019. Redescription of Daphnia turbinata Sars, 1903 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Daphniidae). Zootaxa 4658 (2): 317–330.
Ербаева М.А., Кириллова И.В., Котов А.А., Кузьмина С.А., Лукашов А.А., Тихонов А.Н., 2019. Андрей Владимирович Шер, ученый и личность. Зоологический журнал 98(10): 1085–1090.
Zuykova E.I., Bochkarev N.A., Taylor D.J., Kotov A.A., 2019. Unexpected endemism in the Daphnia longispina complex (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Southern Siberia. PloS ONE. 14(9): e0221527.
Котов А.А, Гололобова М.А., 2019. Зоолого-ботаническая база данных Zobodat. Известия РАН. Серия Биологическая № 6, с. 669–670.
Котов А.А., Неретина А.Н., Жаров А.А., Изюмова Е.И., Боескоров Г.Г., Косинцев П.А., Шидловский Ф.К., 2019. Новый взгляд на старые образцы: остатки пресноводных беспозвоночных, ассоциированные с мумифицированными тушами крупных млекопитающих квартера. Зоологический журнал 98(11): 1247–1255.
Zinovyev E.V., Borodin A.V., Kotov A.A., Korkin S.E., 2019. Palaeoenvironment of MIS5 in the North of Western Siberia, reconstructed on the sub-fossil insect, crustacean and plant macrofossil data. Quaternary International 534: 171–182.
Neretina A.N., Gololobova M.A., Neplyukhina A.A., Zharov A.A., Rogers C.D., Horne D.J., Protopopov A.V., Kotov A.A., 2020. Crustacean remains from the Yuka mammoth raise questions about non-analogue freshwater communities in the Beringian region during the Pleistocene. Scientific Reports 10, 859.
Taylor D.J., Connolly S.J., Kotov A.A., 2020. The intercontinental phylogeography of neustonic daphniids. Scientific Reports 10:1818.
Novichkova A.A., Kotov A.A., Chertoprud E.S., 2020. Freshwater crustaceans of Bykovsky Peninsula and neighboring territory (Northern Yakutia, Russia) // Arthropoda Selecta 29(1): 1–12.
Sinev A.Y., Karabanov D.P., Kotov A.A., 2020. A new North Eurasian species of the Alona affinis complex (Cladocera: Chydoridae). Zootaxa 4767 (1): 115–137.
Kotov A.A., 2020. Priority of Carl Linnaeus as the author of the oldest species of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda): Daphnia pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) and Polyphemus pediculus (Linnaeus, 1758). Zootaxa 4803 (3):591–599.
Garibian P.G., Kotov A.A., 2020. A new species of the Daphnia sinevi group (Crustacea: Cladocera: Daphniidae) from Sakhalin Island, Russian Far East. Zootaxa 4820(3): 485–505.
Neretina A.N., Kirdyasheva A.G., Kotov A.A., 2020. Position of Moina wierzejskii Richard, 1895 (Crustacea: Cladocera) within the genus Moina Baird, 1850 in the light of new morphological data. Zootaxa 4820(3): 506–522.
Гарибян П.Г., Неретина А.Н., Коровчинский Н.М., Синев А.Ю., Чабовский А.В., Котов А.А., Смирнов Н.Н., 2020. Юг Дальнего Востока России и Корея как переходная зона между бореальной и субтропической фаунами ветвистоусых ракообразных (Cladocera, Crustacea). Зоологический журнал 99(10): 1094–1109.
Зуйкова Е.И., Бочкарев Н.А., Котов А.А., 2020. Видовая и генетическая структура группы Daphnia longispina s.l. (Cladocera: Daphniidae) в водоемах Южной Сибири. Зоологический журнал 99(10): 1110–1123.
Карабанов Д.П., Беккер Е.И., Котов А.А., 2020. Недоучет последствий биологических инвазий в филогеографических реконструкциях на примере Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Cladocera). Зоологический журнал 99(11): 1232–1241.
Zharov A.A., Neretina A.N., Rogers C.D., Reshetova S.A., Sinitsa S.M., Kotov A.A., 2020. Pleistocene Branchiopods (Cladocera, Anostraca) from Transbaikalian Siberia demonstrate morphological and ecological stasis. Water 12: 3063. doi:10.3390/w12113063
Garibian P.G., Neretina A.N., Taylor D.J., Kotov A.A., 2020. Partial revision of the neustonic genus Scapholeberis Schoedler, 1858 (Crustacea: Cladocera): decoding of the barcoding results. PeerJ 8:e10410.