Bashinskiy, I.V. 2020. Beavers in lakes: a review of their ecosystem impact // Aquatic Ecology 54, 1097–1120
Bashinskiy I.W., Andriushkevich E.N., Kadetov N.G., Osipov V.V. 2024. Ecosystem engineering at the regional scale — Beaver impact on floodplain pondscapes // Limnologica 109(1):126214
Bashinskiy I.W., Stojko T.G. 2022. The more Diverse Beaver Ponds are Better – a Case Study of Mollusc Communities of Steppe Streams // Wetlands 42:104
Dgebuadze, Yu.Yu., Bashinskiy, I.V. & Osipov, V.V. 2021. The influence of Eurasian beaver Castor fiber activity on fish assemblages in small steppe rivers in Russia. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104(6), 689-700.
Bashinskiy I.W., Dgebuadze Yu.Yu., Sushchik N.N., Osipov V.V., Gladyshev M.I. 2023. Spadefoot Pelobates vespertinus (Amphibia, Pelobatidae) as a transmitter of fatty acids from water to land in a forest-steppe floodplain // Science of The Total Environment, V. 877, 162819
Bashinskiy I.V. 2021. Beaver impact on water coverage of forest-steppe territories (Penza Region, European Russia) // Nature Conservation Research. Vol. 6(1). 6(1): 88–97
Svinin, A.O., Bashinskiy, I.V., Litvinchuk, S.N., Ermakov O.A., Ivanov A.Yu., Neymark L.A., Vedernikov A.A., Osipov V.V., Drobot G.P., Dubois A. 2020. Strigea robusta causes polydactyly and severe forms of Rostand’s anomaly P in water frogs. Parasites & Vectors 13, 381.
Bashinskiy I.V., Senkevich V.A., Stoyko T.G., Katsman E.A., Korkina S.A., Osipov V.V. 2019. Forest-steppe oxbows in limnophase – abiotic features and biodiversity // Limnologica 74: 14–22