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Васеньков Денис Алексеевич

Vasenkov, D., Desmet, J. F., Popov, I., & Sidorchuk, N. (2022). Bats can migrate farther than it was previously known: a new longest migration record by Nathusius’ pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Mammalia, 86(5), 524-526.

Vasenkov, D. A., Vasiliev, N. S., Sidorchuk, N. V., & Rozhnov, V. V. (2023, 11 November). Autumn Migration of Greater Noctule Bat (Nyctalus Lasiopterus): through Countries and over Mountains to a New Migration Flight Record in Bats. Doklady Biological Sciences, vol. 513, pp. 395-399. Moscow: Pleiades Publishing.