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Костин Данила Сергеевич

Кандидат биологических наук
Научные интересы
микроэволюция мелкие млекопитающие гибридизация адаптация видообразование
РИНЦ 2471-1600
ResearcherID AAO-5818-2020
Scopus Author ID 57195966468
Генетические аспекты адаптивной радиации узкоголовых крыс рода Stenocephalemys
Danila Kostin, Mohammed Kasso, Valeria A. Komarova, Alexey A. Martynov, Anton R. Gromov, Dmitry Y. Alexandrov, Afework Bekele, Chemere Zewdie, Josef Bryja, Leonid A. Lavrenchenko 2019. Taxonomic and genetic diversity of rodents from the Arsi Mountains (Ethiopia). Mammalia. Vol. 83 (3): 237-247.

Bryja J., Kostin D., Meheretu Y., Šumbera R., Bryjová A., Kasso M., Mikula O., Lavrenchenko L.A. 2018. Reticulate Pleistocene evolution of Ethiopian rodent genus along remarkable altitudinal gradient. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Vol. 118: 75-87.

Kostin D.S., Martynov A.A., Komarova V.A., Alexandrov D.Y., Yihune M., Kasso M., Bryja J., Lavrenchenko L.A. Rodents of Choke Mountain and surrounding areas (Ethiopia): the Blue Nile gorge as a strong biogeographic barrier // Journal of Vertebrate Biology (Folia Zoologica) – 2020. - Vol. 69, No. 2. P. 1-12.

Mizerovska D., Mikula O., Bartakova V., Bryjova A., Kostin D., Sumbera R., Lavrenchenko L.A., Bryja J. Integrative taxonomic revision of the Ethiopian endemic rodent genus Stenocephalemys (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini) with the description of two new species // Journal of Vertebrate Biology (Folia Zoologica) – 2020. - Vol. 69, No. 2. P.1-21.

Komarova V.A., Kostin D.S., Bryja J., Mikula O., Bryjová A., Čížková D., Šumbera R., Meheretu Y., Lavrenchenko L.A., 2021. Complex reticulate evolution of speckled brush‐furred rats (Lophuromys) in the Ethiopian centre of endemism. Molecular Ecology (IF=5.163). Vol. 30: 2349-2365.

Zemlemerova E.D., Kostin D.S., Lebedev V.S., Martynov A.A., Gromov A.R., Alexandrov D.Yu., Lavrenchenko L.A., 2021. Genetic diversity of the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (IF=2.159). Vol. 59: 323-340.